Clydebuilt Festival

Clydebuilt Festival – 21st to 22nd September 2019

Riverside Museum Plaza, 100 Pointhouse Road, Glasgow, G3 8RS

The Clydebuilt Festival is a boating festival held at a prime location on the Clyde now in it’s third year. A free event for all ages with various ways to get involved with activities on and off the water. Taking place on the 21st and 22nd of September at the Riverside Plaza of the Riverside Museum.

Across the weekend the plaza will be host to a traditional Clydebuilt Market showcasing handmade work from Glasgow’s artists, designers and crafters. There will be live music throughout and of course opportunity for food and drink with the delicious street food and Riverside Bar available.

Some of the other activities on dry land include; a traditional skills demonstration from GalGael, steam bending, Sea shanties, story telling, and poetry. However there is also plenty happening on the water with the chance to have a go on the free canoes, or taking part in the newly added Dragon Boat Race.

Even if getting on the water is not a priority there is still plenty to take in from the Plaza with the weekends two main events; The Castle to Crane Race now for the third year and the first ever Small Craft Regatta. As well as; rowing races, boat launches and private boaters bringing their crafts along.

As mentioned the event is free and is open from 10-5 on Saturday 21st and 10-4 on Sunday 22nd with the details of the official after party still to be confirmed so be sure to keep an eye on the official website.

Brunswick Hotel